Vocabulary : Enhearten to Enigmatical

Enhearten : To give heart to; to fill with courage; to embolden.
Enhedge : To surround as with a hedge.
Enhort : To encourage.
Enhunger : To make hungry.
Enhydros : A variety of chalcedony containing water.
Enhydrous : Having water within; containing fluid drops; -- said of certain crystals.
Enigma : A dark, obscure, or inexplicable saying; a riddle; a statement, the hidden meaning of which is to be discovered or guessed. ;; An action, mode of action, or thing, which cannot be satisfactorily explained; a puzzle; as, his conduct is an enigma.
Enigmas : of Enigma
Enigmatic : Alt. of Enigmatical
Enigmatical : Relating to or resembling an enigma; not easily explained or accounted for; darkly expressed; obscure; puzzling; as, an enigmatical answer.
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