Vocabulary : Eternity to Ethel

Eternity : Infinite duration, without beginning in the past or end in the future; also, duration without end in the future; endless time. ;; Condition which begins at death; immortality.
Eternization : The act of eternizing; the act of rendering immortal or famous.
Eternize : To make eternal or endless. ;; To make forever famous; to immortalize; as, to eternize one's self, a name, exploits.
Eternized : of Eternize
Eterniziing : of Eternize
Etesian : Periodical; annual; -- applied to winds which annually blow from the north over the Mediterranean, esp. the eastern part, for an irregular period during July and August.
Ethal : A white waxy solid, C16H33.OH; -- called also cetylic alcohol. See Cetylic alcohol, under Cetylic.
Ethane : A gaseous hydrocarbon, C2H6, forming a constituent of ordinary illuminating gas. It is the second member of the paraffin series, and its most important derivatives are common alcohol, aldehyde, ether, and acetic acid. Called also dimethyl.
Ethe : Easy.
Ethel : Noble.
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