Vocabulary : Euonymin to Eupepsy

Euonymin : A principle or mixture of principles derived from Euonymus atropurpureus, or spindle tree.
Euonymus : A genus of small European and American trees; the spindle tree. The bark is used as a cathartic.
Euornithes : The division of Aves which includes all the typical birds, or all living birds except the penguins and birds of ostrichlike form.
Euosmitte : A fossil resin, so called from its strong, peculiar, pleasant odor.
Eupathy : Right feeling.
Eupatorin Eupatorine : A principle or mixture of principles extracted from various species of Eupatorium.
Eupatorium : A genus of perennial, composite herbs including hemp agrimony, boneset, throughwort, etc.
Eupatrid : One well born, or of noble birth.
Eupepsia : Alt. of Eupepsy
Eupepsy : Soundness of the nutritive or digestive organs; good concoction or digestion; -- opposed to dyspepsia.
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