Vocabulary : Euphuize to Eurafric

Euphuize : To affect excessive refinement in language; to be overnice in expression.
Eupione : A limpid, oily liquid obtained by the destructive distillation of various vegetable and animal substances; -- specifically, an oil consisting largely of the higher hydrocarbons of the paraffin series.
Eupittone : A yellow, crystalline substance, resembling aurin, and obtained by the oxidation of pittacal; -- called also eupittonic acid.
Eupittonic : Pertaining to, or derived from, eupittone.
Euplastic : Having the capacity of becoming organizable in a high degree, as the matter forming the false membranes which sometimes result from acute inflammation in a healthy person. ;; Organizable substance by which the tissues of an animal body are renewed.
Euplectella : A genus of elegant, glassy sponges, consisting of interwoven siliceous fibers, and growing in the form of a cornucopia; -- called also Venus's flower-basket.
Euplexoptera : An order of insects, including the earwig. The anterior wings are short, in the form of elytra, while the posterior wings fold up beneath them. See Earwig.
Eupnaea : Normal breathing where arterialization of the blood is normal, in distinction from dyspnaea, in which the blood is insufficiently arterialized.
Eupryion : A contrivance for obtaining a light instantaneous, as a lucifer match.
Eurafric : Alt. of Eurafrican
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