Vocabulary : Exaration to Exasperation

Exaration : Act of plowing; also, act of writing.
Exarch : A viceroy; in Ravenna, the title of the viceroys of the Byzantine emperors; in the Eastern Church, the superior over several monasteries; in the modern Greek Church, a deputy of the patriarch , who visits the clergy, investigates ecclesiastical cases, etc.
Exarchate : The office or the province of an exarch.
Exarillate : Having no aril; -- said of certain seeds, or of the plants producing them.
Exarticulate : Having but one joint; -- said of certain insects.
Exarticulation : Luxation; the dislocation of a joint.
Exasperate : Exasperated; imbittered. ;; To irritate in a high degree; to provoke; to enrage; to exscite or to inflame the anger of; as, to exasperate a person or his feelings. ;; To make grievous, or more grievous or malignant; to aggravate; to imbitter; as, to exasperate enmity.
Exasperater : One who exasperates or inflames anger, enmity, or violence.
Exasperating : of Exasperate
Exasperation : The act of exasperating or the state of being exasperated; irritation; keen or bitter anger. ;; Increase of violence or malignity; aggravation; exacerbation.
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