Vocabulary : Exenterate to Exercise

Exenterate : To take out the bowels or entrails of; to disembowel; to eviscerate; as, exenterated fishes.
Exenteration : Act of exenterating.
Exequatur : A written official recognition of a consul or commercial agent, issued by the government to which he is accredited, and authorizing him to exercise his powers in the place to which he is assigned. ;; Official recognition or permission.
Exequial : Of or pertaining to funerals; funereal.
Exequies : of Exequy
Exequious : Funereal.
Exequy : A funeral rite (usually in the plural); the ceremonies of burial; obsequies; funeral procession.
Exercent : Practicing; professional.
Exercisable : That may be exercised, used, or exerted.
Exercise : The act of exercising; a setting in action or practicing; employment in the proper mode of activity; exertion; application; use; habitual activity; occupation, in general; practice. ;; Exertion for the sake of training or improvement whether physical, intellectual, or moral; practice to acquire skill, knowledge, virtue, perfectness, grace, etc. ;; Bodily exertion for the sake of keeping the organs and functions in a healthy state; hygienic activity; as, to take exercise on horseback. ;; The performance of an office, a ceremony, or a religious duty. ;; That which is done for the sake of exercising, practicing, training, or promoting skill, health, mental, improvement, moral discipline, etc.; that which is assigned or prescribed for such ends; hence, a disquisition; a lesson; a task; as, military or naval exercises; musical exercises; an exercise in composition. ;; That which gives practice; a trial; a test. ;; To set in action; to cause to act, move, or make exertion; to give employment to; to put in action ha
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