Vocabulary : Expatriation to Expectedly

Expatriation : The act of banishing, or the state of banishment; especially, the forsaking of one's own country with a renunciation of allegiance.
Expect : To wait for; to await. ;; To look for (mentally); to look forward to, as to something that is believed to be about to happen or come; to have a previous apprehension of, whether of good or evil; to look for with some confidence; to anticipate; -- often followed by an infinitive, sometimes by a clause (with, or without, that); as, I expect to receive wages; I expect that the troops will be defeated. ;; To wait; to stay. ;; Expectation.
Expectable : That may be expected or looked for.
Expectance : Alt. of Expectancy
Expectancy : The act of expecting ; expectation. ;; That which is expected, or looked or waited for with interest; the object of expectation or hope.
Expectant : Waiting in expectation; looking for ;; waiting for the efforts of nature, with little active treatment. ;; One who waits in expectation; one held in dependence by hope of receiving some good.
Expectation : The act or state of expecting or looking forward to an event as about to happen. ;; That which is expected or looked for. ;; The prospect of the future; grounds upon which something excellent is expected to happen; prospect of anything good to come, esp. of property or rank. ;; The value of any chance (as the prospect of prize or property) which depends upon some contingent event. Expectations are computed for or against the occurrence of the event. ;; The leaving of the disease principally to the efforts of nature to effect a cure.
Expectative : Constituting an object of expectation; contingent. ;; Something in expectation; esp., an expectative grace.
Expected : of Expect
Expectedly : In conformity with expectation.
Next : Expecter, Expecting, Expectingly, Expective, Expectorant, Expectorate, Expectorated, Expectorating, Expectoration, Expectorative
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