Vocabulary : Experiential to Experimentative

Experiential : Derived from, or pertaining to, experience.
Experientialism : The doctrine that experience, either that ourselves or of others, is the test or criterion of general knowledge; -- opposed to intuitionists.
Experientiallist : One who accepts the doctrine of experientialism. Also used adjectively.
Experiment : Atrial or special observation, made to confirm or disprove something doubtful; esp., one under conditions determined by the experimenter; an act or operation undertaken in order to discover some unknown principle or effect, or to test, establish, or illustrate some suggest or known truth; practical test; poof. ;; Experience. ;; To make experiment; to operate by test or trial; -- often with on, upon, or in, referring to the subject of an experiment; with, referring to the instrument; and by, referring to the means; as, to experiment upon electricity; he experimented in plowing with ponies, or by steam power. ;; To try; to know, perceive, or prove, by trial experience.
Experimental : Pertaining to experiment; founded on, or derived from, experiment or trial; as, experimental science; given to, or skilled in, experiment; as, an experimental philosopher. ;; Known by, or derived from, experience; as, experimental religion.
Experimentalize : To make experiments (upon); to experiment.
Experimentally : By experiment; by experience or trial.
Experimentarian : Relying on experiment or experience. ;; One who relies on experiment or experience.
Experimentation : The act of experimenting; practice by experiment.
Experimentative : Experimental; of the nature of experiment.
Next : Experimentator, Experimented, Experimenter, Experimentist, Experimetalist, Experinenting, Experrection, Expert, Expertly, Expertness
Previous : Expensefull, Expenseless, expenses, Expensive, Experience, Experience table, Experienced, Experiencer, Experiencing, Experient
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