Vocabulary : Facultative to Fade

Facultative : Having relation to the grant or exercise faculty, or authority, privilege, license, or the like hence, optional; as, facultative enactments, or those which convey a faculty, or permission; the facultative referendum of Switzerland is one that is optional with the people and is necessary only when demanded by petition; facultative studies; -- opposed to obligatory and compulsory, and sometimes used with to. ;; Of such a character as to admit of existing under various forms or conditions, or of happening or not happening, or the like; ;; Having the power to live under different conditions; as, a facultative parasite, a plant which is normally saprophytic, but which may exist wholly or in part as a parasite; -- opposed to obligate. ;; Pertaining to a faculty or faculties.
Faculties : of Faculty
Faculty : Ability to act or perform, whether inborn or cultivated; capacity for any natural function; especially, an original mental power or capacity for any of the well-known classes of mental activity; psychical or soul capacity; capacity for any of the leading kinds of soul activity, as knowledge, feeling, volition; intellectual endowment or gift; power; as, faculties of the mind or the soul. ;; Special mental endowment; characteristic knack. ;; Power; prerogative or attribute of office. ;; Privilege or permission, granted by favor or indulgence, to do a particular thing; authority; license; dispensation. ;; A body of a men to whom any specific right or privilege is granted; formerly, the graduates in any of the four departments of a university or college (Philosophy, Law, Medicine, or Theology), to whom was granted the right of teaching (profitendi or docendi) in the department in which they had studied; at present, the members of a profession itself; as, the medical faculty; the legal faculty, ect. ;; The body of
Facund : Eloquent.
Facundious : Eloquement; full of words.
Facundity : Eloquence; readiness of speech.
Fad : A hobby ; freak; whim.
Fadaise : A vapid or meaningless remark; a commonplace; nonsense.
Faddle : To trifle; to toy. ;; To fondle; to dandle.
Fade : Weak; insipid; tasteless; commonplace. ;; To become fade; to grow weak; to lose strength; to decay; to perish gradually; to wither, as a plant. ;; To lose freshness, color, or brightness; to become faint in hue or tint; hence, to be wanting in color. ;; To sink away; to disappear gradually; to grow dim; to vanish. ;; To cause to wither; to deprive of freshness or vigor; to wear away.
Next : Faded, Fadedly, Fadeless, Fader, Fadge, Fading, Fadme, Fady, Faecal, Faeces
Previous : Factorizing, Factorship, Factory, Factotum, Factotums, Factual, Factum, Facture, Faculae, Facular
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