Vocabulary : Fairness to Faithful

Fairness : The state of being fair, or free form spots or stains, as of the skin; honesty, as of dealing; candor, as of an argument, etc.
Fairway : The navigable part of a river, bay, etc., through which vessels enter or depart; the part of a harbor or channel ehich is kept open and unobstructed for the passage of vessels.
Fair-weather : Made or done in pleasant weather, or in circumstances involving but little exposure or sacrifice; as, a fair-weather voyage. ;; Appearing only when times or circumstances are prosperous; as, a fair-weather friend.
Fair-world : State of prosperity.
Fairy : Enchantment; illusion. ;; The country of the fays; land of illusions. ;; An imaginary supernatural being or spirit, supposed to assume a human form (usually diminutive), either male or female, and to meddle for good or evil in the affairs of mankind; a fay. See Elf, and Demon. ;; An enchantress. ;; Of or pertaining to fairies. ;; Given by fairies; as, fairy money.
Fairyland : The imaginary land or abode of fairies.
Fairylike : Resembling a fairy, or what is made or done be fairies; as, fairylike music.
Faith : Belief; the assent of the mind to the truth of what is declared by another, resting solely and implicitly on his authority and veracity; reliance on testimony. ;; The assent of the mind to the statement or proposition of another, on the ground of the manifest truth of what he utters; firm and earnest belief, on probable evidence of any kind, especially in regard to important moral truth. ;; The belief in the historic truthfulness of the Scripture narrative, and the supernatural origin of its teachings, sometimes called historical and speculative faith. ;; The belief in the facts and truth of the Scriptures, with a practical love of them; especially, that confiding and affectionate belief in the person and work of Christ, which affects the character and life, and makes a man a true Christian, -- called a practical, evangelical, or saving faith. ;; That which is believed on any subject, whether in science, politics, or religion; especially (Theol.), a system of religious belief of any kind; as, the Jewish or Mo
Faithed : Having faith or a faith; honest; sincere.
Faithful : Full of faith, or having faith; disposed to believe, especially in the declarations and promises of God. ;; Firm in adherence to promises, oaths, contracts, treaties, or other engagements. ;; True and constant in affection or allegiance to a person to whom one is bound by a vow, be ties of love, gratitude, or honor, as to a husband, a prince, a friend; firm in the observance of duty; loyal; of true fidelity; as, a faithful husband or servant. ;; Worthy of confidence and belief; conformable to truth ot fact; exact; accurate; as, a faithful narrative or representation.
Next : Faithless, Faitour, Fake, Faker, Fakir, Falanaka, Falcade, Falcate, Falcated, Falcation
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