Vocabulary : Fanaticism to Fanciless

Fanaticism : Excessive enthusiasm, unreasoning zeal, or wild and extravagant notions, on any subject, especially religion; religious frenzy.
Fanaticize : To cause to become a fanatic.
Fanaticized : of Fanaticize
Fanaticizing : of Fanaticize
Fanatism : Fanaticism.
Fancied : Formed or conceived by the fancy; unreal; as, a fancied wrong. ;; of Fancy
Fancier : One who is governed by fancy. ;; One who fancies or has a special liking for, or interest in, a particular object or class or objects; hence, one who breeds and keeps for sale birds and animals; as, bird fancier, dog fancier, etc.
Fancies : of Fancy
Fanciful : Full of fancy; guided by fancy, rather than by reason and experience; whimsical; as, a fanciful man forms visionary projects. ;; Conceived in the fancy; not consistent with facts or reason; abounding in ideal qualities or figures; as, a fanciful scheme; a fanciful theory. ;; Curiously shaped or constructed; as, she wore a fanciful headdress.
Fanciless : Having no fancy; without ideas or imagination.
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