Vocabulary : Fellow to Fellowshiped

Fellow : A companion; a comrade; an associate; a partner; a sharer. ;; A man without good breeding or worth; an ignoble or mean man. ;; An equal in power, rank, character, etc. ;; One of a pair, or of two things used together or suited to each other; a mate; the male. ;; A person; an individual. ;; In the English universities, a scholar who is appointed to a foundation called a fellowship, which gives a title to certain perquisites and privileges. ;; In an American college or university, a member of the corporation which manages its business interests; also, a graduate appointed to a fellowship, who receives the income of the foundation. ;; A member of a literary or scientific society; as, a Fellow of the Royal Society. ;; To suit with; to pair with; to match.
Fellow-commoner : A student at Cambridge University, England, who commons, or dines, at the Fellow's table.
Fellow-creature : One of the same race or kind; one made by the same Creator.
Fellowfeel : To share through sympathy; to participate in.
Fellow-feeling : Sympathy; a like feeling. ;; Joint interest.
Fellowless : Without fellow or equal; peerless.
Fellowlike : Like a companion; companionable; on equal terms; sympathetic.
Fellowly : Fellowlike.
Fellowship : The state or relation of being or associate. ;; Companionship of persons on equal and friendly terms; frequent and familiar intercourse. ;; A state of being together; companionship; partnership; association; hence, confederation; joint interest. ;; Those associated with one, as in a family, or a society; a company. ;; A foundation for the maintenance, on certain conditions, of a scholar called a fellow, who usually resides at the university. ;; The rule for dividing profit and loss among partners; -- called also partnership, company, and distributive proportion. ;; To acknowledge as of good standing, or in communion according to standards of faith and practice; to admit to Christian fellowship.
Fellowshiped : of Fellowship
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