Vocabulary : Filliping to Filoselle

Filliping : of Fillip
Fillister : The rabbet on the outer edge of a sash bar to hold the glass and the putty. ;; A plane for making a rabbet.
Filly : A female foal or colt; a young mare. Cf. Colt, Foal. ;; A lively, spirited young girl.
Film : A thin skin; a pellicle; a membranous covering, causing opacity; hence, any thin, slight covering. ;; A slender thread, as that of a cobweb. ;; To cover with a thin skin or pellicle. ;; The layer, usually of gelatin or collodion, containing the sensitive salts of photographic plates; also, the flexible sheet of celluloid or the like on which this layer is sometimes mounted.
Filminess : State of being filmy.
Filmy : Composed of film or films.
Filoplumaceous : Having the structure of a filoplume.
Filoplume : A hairlike feather; a father with a slender scape and without a web in most or all of its length.
Filose : Terminating in a threadlike process.
Filoselle : A kind of silk thread less glossy than floss, and spun from coarser material. It is much used in embroidery instead of floss.
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