Vocabulary : Flaring to Flashily

Flaring : of Flare ;; That flares; flaming or blazing unsteadily; shining out with a dazzling light. ;; Opening or speading outwards.
Flaringly : In a flaring manner.
Flash : To burst or break forth with a sudden and transient flood of flame and light; as, the lighting flashes vividly; the powder flashed. ;; To break forth, as a sudden flood of light; to burst instantly and brightly on the sight; to show a momentary brilliancy; to come or pass like a flash. ;; To burst forth like a sudden flame; to break out violently; to rush hastily. ;; To send out in flashes; to cause to burst forth with sudden flame or light. ;; To convey as by a flash; to light up, as by a sudden flame or light; as, to flash a message along the wires; to flash conviction on the mind. ;; To cover with a thin layer, as objects of glass with glass of a different color. See Flashing, n., 3 (b). ;; To trick up in a showy manner. ;; To strike and throw up large bodies of water from the surface; to splash. ;; A sudden burst of light; a flood of light instantaneously appearing and disappearing; a momentary blaze; as, a flash of lightning. ;; A sudden and brilliant burst, as of wit or genius; a momentary brightness or
Flash boiler : A variety of water-tube boiler, used chiefly in steam automobiles, consisting of a nest of strong tubes with very little water space, kept nearly red hot so that the water as it trickles drop by drop into the tubes is immediately flashed into steam and superheated.
Flash burner : A gas burner with a device for lighting by an electric spark.
Flashboard : A board placed temporarily upon a milldam, to raise the water in the pond above its usual level; a flushboard.
Flashed : of Flash
Flasher : One who, or that which, flashes. ;; A man of more appearance of wit than reality. ;; A large sparoid fish of the Atlantic coast and all tropical seas (Lobotes Surinamensis). ;; The European red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio); -- called also flusher.
Flashes : of Flash
Flashily : In a flashy manner; with empty show.
Next : Flashiness, Flashing, Flashy, Flask, Flasket, Flat, Flat foot, Flatbill, Flatboat, Flat-bottomed
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