Vocabulary : Fluent to Fluid

Fluent : Flowing or capable of flowing; liquid; glodding; easily moving. ;; Ready in the use of words; voluble; copious; having words at command; and uttering them with facility and smoothness; as, a fluent speaker; hence, flowing; voluble; smooth; -- said of language; as, fluent speech. ;; A current of water; a stream. ;; A variable quantity, considered as increasing or diminishing; -- called, in the modern calculus, the function or integral.
Fluently : In a fluent manner.
Fluentness : The quality of being fluent.
Fluework : A general name for organ stops in which the sound is caused by wind passing through a flue or fissure and striking an edge above; -- in distinction from reedwork.
Fluey : Downy; fluffy.
Fluff : Nap or down; flue; soft, downy feathers. ;; To make or become fluffy; to move lightly like fluff.
Fluffy : Pertaining to, or resembling, fluff or nap; soft and downy.
Flugel : A grand piano or a harpsichord, both being wing-shaped.
Flugelman : Same as Fugleman.
Fluid : Having particles which easily move and change their relative position without a separation of the mass, and which easily yield to pressure; capable of flowing; liquid or gaseous. ;; A fluid substance; a body whose particles move easily among themselves.
Next : Fluidal, Fluidize, Fluidized, Fluidizing, Fluidness, Fluidounce, Fluidrachm, Fluinity, Flukan, Fluke
Previous : Fluctuability, Fluctuant, Fluctuate, Fluctuated, Fluctuating, Fluctuation, Flue, Flue pipe, Fluence, Fluency
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