Vocabulary : Foliaceous to Folier

Foliaceous : Belonging to, or having the texture or nature of, a leaf; having leaves intermixed with flowers; as, a foliaceous spike. ;; Consisting of leaves or thin laminae; having the form of a leaf or plate; as, foliaceous spar. ;; Leaflike in form or mode of growth; as, a foliaceous coral.
Foliage : Leaves, collectively, as produced or arranged by nature; leafage; as, a tree or forest of beautiful foliage. ;; A cluster of leaves, flowers, and branches; especially, the representation of leaves, flowers, and branches, in architecture, intended to ornament and enrich capitals, friezes, pediments, etc. ;; To adorn with foliage or the imitation of foliage; to form into the representation of leaves.
Foliaged : Furnished with foliage; leaved; as, the variously foliaged mulberry.
Foliar : Consisting of, or pertaining to, leaves; as, foliar appendages.
Foliate : Furnished with leaves; leafy; as, a foliate stalk. ;; To beat into a leaf, or thin plate. ;; To spread over with a thin coat of tin and quicksilver; as, to foliate a looking-glass.
Foliated : of Foliate ;; Having leaves, or leaflike projections; as, a foliated shell. ;; Containing, or consisting of, foils; as, a foliated arch. ;; Characterized by being separable into thin plates or folia; as, graphite has a foliated structure. ;; Laminated, but restricted to the variety of laminated structure found in crystalline schist, as mica schist, etc.; schistose. ;; Spread over with an amalgam of tin and quicksilver.
Foliating : of Foliate
Foliation : The process of forming into a leaf or leaves. ;; The manner in which the young leaves are dispo/ed within the bud. ;; The act of beating a metal into a thin plate, leaf, foil, or lamina. ;; The act of coating with an amalgam of tin foil and quicksilver, as in making looking-glasses. ;; The enrichment of an opening by means of foils, arranged in trefoils, quatrefoils, etc.; also, one of the ornaments. See Tracery. ;; The property, possessed by some crystalline rocks, of dividing into plates or slabs, which is due to the cleavage structure of one of the constituents, as mica or hornblende. It may sometimes include slaty structure or cleavage, though the latter is usually independent of any mineral constituent, and transverse to the bedding, it having been produced by pressure.
Foliature : Foliage; leafage. ;; The state of being beaten into foil.
Folier : Goldsmith's foil.
Next : Foliferous, Folily, Folio, Fol'io, Fo'liolate, Foliole, Foliomort, Folios, Foliose, Foliosity
Previous : Foisting, Foisty, Fold, Foldage, Folded, Folder, Folderol, Folding, Foldless, Folia
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