Vocabulary : Fondling to Fonne

Fondling : of Fondle ;; The act of caressing; manifestation of tenderness. ;; A person or thing fondled or caressed; one treated with foolish or doting affection. ;; A fool; a simpleton; a ninny.
Fondly : Foolishly. ;; In a fond manner; affectionately; tenderly.
Fondness : The quality or state of being fond; foolishness. ;; Doting affection; tender liking; strong appetite, propensity, or relish; as, he had a fondness for truffles.
Fondon : A large copper vessel used for hot amalgamation.
Fondu : Blending; passing into each other by subtle gradations; -- said of colors or of the surface or material on which the colors are laid. ;; A dish made of cheese, eggs, butter, etc., melted together.
Fondus : A style of printing calico, paper hangings, etc., in which the colors are in bands and graduated into each other.
Fone : pl. of Foe.
Fonge : To take; to receive.
Fonly : Foolishly; fondly.
Fonne : A fon.
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