Vocabulary : Fornicated to Forray

Fornicated : Vaulted like an oven or furnace; arched. ;; Arching over; overarched.
Fornication : Unlawful sexual intercourse on the part of an unmarried person; the act of such illicit sexual intercourse between a man and a woman as does not by law amount to adultery. ;; Adultery. ;; Incest. ;; Idolatry.
Fornicator : An unmarried person, male or female, who has criminal intercourse with the other sex; one guilty of fornication.
Fornicatress : A woman guilty of fornication.
Fornices : of Fornix
Fornix : An arch or fold; as, the fornix, or vault, of the cranium; the fornix, or reflection, of the conjuctiva. ;; Esp., two longitudinal bands of white nervous tissue beneath the lateral ventricles of the brain.
Forold : Very old.
Forpass : To pass by or along; to pass over.
Forpine : To waste away completely by suffering or torment.
Forray : To foray; to ravage; to pillage. ;; The act of ravaging; a ravaging; a predatory excursion. See Foray.
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