Vocabulary : Fourhanded to Four-poster

Fourhanded : Having four hands; quadrumanous. ;; Requiring four "hands" or players; as, a fourhanded game at cards.
Fourierism : The cooperative socialistic system of Charles Fourier, a Frenchman, who recommended the reorganization of society into small communities, living in common.
Fourierist : Alt. of Fourierite
Fourierite : One who adopts the views of Fourier.
Four-in-hand : Consisting of four horses controlled by one person; as, a four-in-hand team; drawn by four horses driven by one person; as, a four-in-hand coach. ;; A team of four horses driven by one person; also, a vehicle drawn by such a team.
Fourling : One of four children born at the same time. ;; A compound or twin crystal consisting of four individuals.
Fourneau : The chamber of a mine in which the powder is placed.
Four-o'clock : A plant of the genus Mirabilis. There are about half a dozen species, natives of the warmer parts of America. The common four-o'clock is M. Jalapa. Its flowers are white, yellow, and red, and open toward sunset, or earlier in cloudy weather; hence the name. It is also called marvel of Peru, and afternoon lady. ;; The friar bird; -- so called from its cry, which resembles these words.
Fourpence : A British silver coin, worth four pence; a groat. ;; A name formerly given in New England to the Spanish half real, a silver coin worth six and a quarter cents.
Four-poster : A large bedstead with tall posts at the corners to support curtains.
Next : Fourrier, Fourscore, Foursome, Foursquare, Fourteen, Fourteenth, Fourth, Fourthly, Four-way, Four-wheeled
Previous : Fourbe, Fourche, Fourchette, Four-cornered, Four-cycle, Fourdrinier, Fourfeitable, Fourfold, Fourfooted, Fourgon
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