Vocabulary : Frauen to Fray

Frauen : of Frau
Fraught : A freight; a cargo. ;; Freighted; laden; filled; stored; charged. ;; of Fraught ;; To freight; to load; to burden; to fill; to crowd.
Fraughtage : Freight; loading; cargo.
Fraughted : of Fraught
Fraughting : of Fraught ;; Constituting the freight or cargo.
Fraulein : In Germany, a young lady; an unmarried woman; -- as a title, equivalent to Miss.
Fraunhofer lines : The lines of the spectrun; especially and properly, the dark lines of the solar spectrum, so called because first accurately observed and interpreted by Fraunhofer, a German physicist.
Fraxin : A colorless crystalline substance, regarded as a glucoside, and found in the bark of the ash (Fraxinus) and along with esculin in the bark of the horse-chestnut. It shows a delicate fluorescence in alkaline solutions; -- called also paviin.
Fraxinus : A genus of deciduous forest trees, found in the north temperate zone, and including the true ash trees.
Fray : Affray; broil; contest; combat. ;; To frighten; to terrify; to alarm. ;; To bear the expense of; to defray. ;; To rub; to wear off, or wear into shreds, by rubbing; to fret, as cloth; as, a deer is said to fray her head. ;; To rub. ;; To wear out or into shreads, or to suffer injury by rubbing, as when the threads of the warp or of the woof wear off so that the cross threads are loose; to ravel; as, the cloth frays badly. ;; A fret or chafe, as in cloth; a place injured by rubbing.
Next : Frayed, Fraying, Frazzle, Frazzled, Frazzling, Freak, Freaked, Freaking, Freakish, Freck
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