Vocabulary : Fringent to Frisette

Fringent : Encircling like a fringe; bordering.
Fringilla : A genus of birds, with a short, conical, pointed bill. It formerly included all the sparrows and finches, but is now restricted to certain European finches, like the chaffinch and brambling.
Fringillaceous : Fringilline.
Fringilline : Pertaining to the family Fringillidae; characteristic of finches; sparrowlike.
Fringing : of Fringe
Fringy : Aborned with fringes.
Fripper : One who deals in frippery or in old clothes.
Fripperer : A fripper.
Frippery : Coast-off clothes. ;; Hence: Secondhand finery; cheap and tawdry decoration; affected elegance. ;; A place where old clothes are sold. ;; The trade or traffic in old clothes. ;; Trifling; contemptible.
Frisette : Alt. of Frizette
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