Vocabulary : Fugato to Fugue

Fugato : in the gugue style, but not strictly like a fugue. ;; A composition resembling a fugue.
Fugh : An exclamation of disgust; foh; faugh.
Fughetta : a short, condensed fugue.
Fugitive : Fleeing from pursuit, danger, restraint, etc., escaping, from service, duty etc.; as, a fugitive solder; a fugitive slave; a fugitive debtor. ;; Not fixed; not durable; liable to disappear or fall away; volatile; uncertain; evanescent; liable to fade; -- applied to material and immaterial things; as, fugitive colors; a fugitive idea. ;; One who flees from pursuit, danger, restraint, service, duty, etc.; a deserter; as, a fugitive from justice. ;; Something hard to be caught or detained.
Fugitively : In a fugitive manner.
Fugitiveness : The quality or condition of being fugitive; evanescence; volatility; fugacity; instability.
Fugle : To maneuver; to move hither and thither.
Fugleman : A soldier especially expert and well drilled, who takes his place in front of a military company, as a guide for the others in their exercises; a file leader. He originally stood in front of the right wing. ;; Hence, one who leads the way.
Fuglemen : of Fugleman
Fugue : A polyphonic composition, developed from a given theme or themes, according to strict contrapuntal rules. The theme is first given out by one voice or part, and then, while that pursues its way, it is repeated by another at the interval of a fifth or fourth, and so on, until all the parts have answered one by one, continuing their several melodies and interweaving them in one complex progressive whole, in which the theme is often lost and reappears.
Next : Fuguist, Fulahs, Fulbe, Fulciment, Fulcra, Fulcrate, Fulcrum, Fulcrums, Fuldble, Fulfill
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