Vocabulary : Fusilier to Fussed

Fusilier : Formerly, a soldier armed with a fusil. Hence, in the plural: ;; A title now borne by some regiments and companies; as, "The Royal Fusiliers," etc.
Fusillade : A simultaneous discharge of firearms. ;; To shoot down of shoot at by a simultaneous discharge of firearms.
Fusillader : of Fusillade
Fusillading : of Fusillade
Fusiness : A fusty state or quality; moldiness; mustiness; an ill smell from moldiness.
Fusing : of Fuse
Fusion : The act or operation of melting or rendering fluid by heat; the act of melting together; as, the fusion of metals. ;; The state of being melted or dissolved by heat; a state of fluidity or flowing in consequence of heat; as, metals in fusion. ;; The union or blending together of things, as, melted together. ;; The union, or binding together, of adjacent parts or tissues.
Fusome : Handy; reat; handsome; notable.
Fuss : A tumult; a bustle; unnecessary or annoying ado about trifles. ;; One who is unduly anxious about trifles. ;; To be overbusy or unduly anxious about trifles; to make a bustle or ado.
Fussed : of Fuss
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