Vocabulary : Gabeler to Gabioned

Gabeler : A collector of gabels or taxes.
Gabelle : A tax, especially on salt.
Gabelleman : A gabeler.
Gaberdine : A coarse frock or loose upper garment formerly worn by Jews; a mean dress. ;; See Gabardine.
Gaber-lunzie : A beggar with a wallet; a licensed beggar.
Gabert : A lighter, or vessel for inland navigation.
Gabion : A hollow cylinder of wickerwork, like a basket without a bottom. Gabions are made of various sizes, and filled with earth in building fieldworks to shelter men from an enemy's fire. ;; An openwork frame, as of poles, filled with stones and sunk, to assist in forming a bar dyke, etc., as in harbor improvement.
Gabionade : A traverse made with gabions between guns or on their flanks, protecting them from enfilading fire. ;; A structure of gabions sunk in lines, as a core for a sand bar in harbor improvements.
Gabionage : The part of a fortification built of gabions.
Gabioned : Furnished with gabions.
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