Vocabulary : Gambit to Gamboled

Gambit : A mode of opening the game, in which a pawn is sacrificed to gain an attacking position.
Gamble : To play or game for money or other stake. ;; To lose or squander by gaming; -- usually with away. ;; An act of gambling; a transaction or proceeding involving gambling; hence, anything involving similar risk or uncertainty.
Gambled : of Gamble
Gambler : One who gambles.
Gambling : of Gamble
Gamboge : A concrete juice, or gum resin, produced by several species of trees in Siam, Ceylon, and Malabar. It is brought in masses, or cylindrical rolls, from Cambodia, or Cambogia, -- whence its name. The best kind is of a dense, compact texture, and of a beatiful reddish yellow. Taking internally, it is a strong and harsh cathartic and emetic.
Gambogian : Alt. of Gambogic
Gambogic : Pertaining to, resembling, or containing, gamboge.
Gambol : A skipping or leaping about in frolic; a hop; a sportive prank. ;; To dance and skip about in sport; to frisk; to skip; to play in frolic, like boys or lambs.
Gamboled : of Gambol
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