Vocabulary : Gastrocolic to Gastrohysterotomy

Gastrocolic : Pertaining to both the stomach and the colon; as, the gastrocolic, or great, omentum.
Gastrodisc : That part of blastoderm where the hypoblast appears like a small disk on the inner face of the epibladst.
Gastroduodenal : Pertaining to the stomach and duodenum; as, the gastroduodenal artery.
Gastroduodenitis : Inflammation of the stomach and duodenum. It is one of the most frequent causes of jaundice.
Gastroelytrotomy : The operation of cutting into the upper part of the vagina, through the abdomen (without opening the peritoneum), for the purpose of removing a fetus. It is a substitute for the Caesarean operation, and less dangerous.
Gastroenteric : Gastrointestinal.
Gastroenteritis : Inflammation of the lining membrane of the stomach and the intestines.
Gastroepiploic : Of or pertaining to the stomach and omentum.
Gastrohepatic : Pertaining to the stomach and liver; hepatogastric; as, the gastrohepatic, or lesser, omentum.
Gastrohysterotomy : Caesarean section. See under Caesarean.
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