Vocabulary : Genethliacal to Genevan

Genethliacal : Genethliac.
Genethliacs : The science of calculating nativities, or predicting the future events of life from the stars which preside at birth.
Genethlialogy : Divination as to the destinies of one newly born; the act or art of casting nativities; astrology.
Genethliatic : One who calculates nativities.
Genetic : Same as Genetical.
Genetical : Pertaining to, concerned with, or determined by, the genesis of anything, or its natural mode of production or development.
Genetically : In a genetical manner.
Genette : One of several species of small Carnivora of the genus Genetta, allied to the civets, but having the scent glands less developed, and without a pouch. ;; The fur of the common genet (Genetta vulgaris); also, any skin dressed in imitation of this fur.
Geneva : The chief city of Switzerland. ;; A strongly alcoholic liquor, flavored with juniper berries; -- made in Holland; Holland gin; Hollands.
Genevan : Of or pertaining to Geneva, in Switzerland; Genevese. ;; A native or inhabitant of Geneva. ;; A supported of Genevanism.
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