Vocabulary : Gentile to Gentilly

Gentile : One of a non-Jewish nation; one neither a Jew nor a Christian; a worshiper of false gods; a heathen. ;; Belonging to the nations at large, as distinguished from the Jews; ethnic; of pagan or heathen people. ;; Denoting a race or country; as, a gentile noun or adjective.
Gentile-falcon : See Falcon-gentil.
Gentilesse : Gentleness; courtesy; kindness; nobility.
Gentilish : Heathenish; pagan.
Gentilism : Hethenism; paganism; the worship of false gods. ;; Tribal feeling; devotion to one's gens.
Gentilitial : Alt. of Gentilitious
Gentilitious : Peculiar to a people; national. ;; Hereditary; entailed on a family.
Gentility : Good extraction; dignity of birth. ;; The quality or qualities appropriate to those who are well born, as self-respect, dignity, courage, courtesy, politeness of manner, a graceful and easy mien and behavior, etc.; good breeding. ;; The class in society who are, or are expected to be, genteel; the gentry. ;; Paganism; heathenism.
Gentilize : To live like a gentile or heathen. ;; To act the gentleman; -- with it (see It, 5). ;; To render gentile or gentlemanly; as, to gentilize your unworthy sones.
Gentilly : In a gentle or hoble manner; frankly.
Next : Gentiopikrin, Gentisin, Gentle, Gentlefolk, Gentlefolks, Gentle-hearted, Gentleman, Gentlemanhood, Gentlemanlike, Gentlemanliness
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