Vocabulary : Gentoo to Genuflecting

Gentoo : A native of Hindostan; a Hindoo. ;; A penguin (Pygosceles taeniata).
Gentoos : of Gentoo ;; of Gentoo
Gentrie : Nobility of birth or of character; gentility.
Gentry : Birth; condition; rank by birth. ;; People of education and good breeding; in England, in a restricted sense, those between the nobility and the yeomanry. ;; Courtesy; civility; complaisance.
Genty : Neat; trim.
Genu : The knee. ;; The kneelike bend, in the anterior part of the callosum of the brain.
Genua : of Genu
Genuflect : To bend the knee, as in worship.
Genuflected : of Genuflect
Genuflecting : of Genuflect
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