Vocabulary : Georgium Sidus to Gephyrea

Georgium Sidus : The planet Uranus, so named by its discoverer, Sir W. Herschel.
Geoscopy : Knowledge of the earth, ground, or soil, obtained by inspection.
Geoselenic : Pertaining to the earth and moon; belonging to the joint action or mutual relations of the earth and moon; as, geoselenic phenomena.
Geostatic : Relating to the pressure exerted by earth or similar substance.
Geosynclinal : the downward bend or subsidence of the earth's crust, which allows of the gradual accumulation of sediment, and hence forms the first step in the making of a mountain range; -- opposed to geanticlinal.
Geothermometer : A thermometer specially constructed for measuring temperetures at a depth below the surface of the ground.
Geotic : Belonging to earth; terrestrial.
Geotropic : Relating to, or showing, geotropism.
Geotropism : A disposition to turn or incline towards the earth; the influence of gravity in determining the direction of growth of an organ.
Gephyrea : An order of marine Annelida, in which the body is imperfectly, or not at all, annulated externally, and is mostly without setae.
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