Vocabulary : Germanium to Germicidal

Germanium : A rare element, recently discovered (1885), in a silver ore (argyrodite) at Freiberg. It is a brittle, silver-white metal, chemically intermediate between the metals and nonmetals, resembles tin, and is in general identical with the predicted ekasilicon. Symbol Ge. Atomic weight 72.3.
Germanization : The act of Germanizing.
Germanize : To make German, or like what is distinctively German; as, to Germanize a province, a language, a society. ;; To reason or write after the manner of the Germans.
Germanized : of Germanize
Germanizing : of Germanize
Germans : of German
Germarium : An organ in which the ova are developed in certain Turbellaria.
Germen : See Germ.
Germens : of Germen
Germicidal : Germicide.
Next : Germicide, Germina, Germinal, Germinant, Germinate, Germinated, Germinating, Germination, Germinative, Germiparity
Previous : Germ, Germ cell, Germ plasm, Germ theory, Germain, German, Germander, Germane, Germanic, Germanism
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