Vocabulary : Gluttonies to Glyceride

Gluttonies : of Gluttony
Gluttonish : Gluttonous; greedy.
Gluttonize : To eat to excess; to eat voraciously; to gormandize.
Gluttonized : of Gluttonize
Gluttonizing : of Gluttonize
Gluttonous : Given to gluttony; eating to excess; indulging the appetite; voracious; as, a gluttonous age.
Gluttony : Excess in eating; extravagant indulgence of the appetite for food; voracity.
Glycerate : A salt of glyceric acid.
Glyceric : Pertaining to, or derived from, glycerin.
Glyceride : A compound ether (formed from glycerin). Some glycerides exist ready formed as natural fats, others are produced artificially.
Next : Glycerin, Glycerine, Glycerite, Glycerol, Glyceryl, Glycide, Glycidic, Glycin, Glycocholate, Glycocholic
Previous : Glutinated, Glutinating, Glutination, Glutinative, Glutinosity, Glutinous, Glutinousness, Glutted, Glutting, Glutton
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