Vocabulary : Gorce to Gored

Gorce : A pool of water to keep fish in; a wear.
Gorcock : The moor cock, or red grouse. See Grouse.
Gorcrow : The carrion crow; -- called also gercrow.
Gord : An instrument of gaming; a sort of dice.
Gordiacea : A division of nematoid worms, including the hairworms or hair eels (Gordius and Mermis). See Gordius, and Illustration in Appendix.
Gordian : Pertaining to Gordius, king of Phrygia, or to a knot tied by him; hence, intricate; complicated; inextricable. ;; Pertaining to the Gordiacea. ;; One of the Gordiacea.
Gordius : A genus of long, slender, nematoid worms, parasitic in insects until near maturity, when they leave the insect, and live in water, in which they deposit their eggs; -- called also hair eel, hairworm, and hair snake, from the absurd, but common and widely diffused, notion that they are metamorphosed horsehairs.
Gore : Dirt; mud. ;; Blood; especially, blood that after effusion has become thick or clotted. ;; A wedgeshaped or triangular piece of cloth, canvas, etc., sewed into a garment, sail, etc., to give greater width at a particular part. ;; A small traingular piece of land. ;; One of the abatements. It is made of two curved lines, meeting in an acute angle in the fesse point. ;; To pierce or wound, as with a horn; to penetrate with a pointed instrument, as a spear; to stab. ;; To cut in a traingular form; to piece with a gore; to provide with a gore; as, to gore an apron.
Gorebill : The garfish.
Gored : of Gore
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