Vocabulary : Greedy-gut to Greenback

Greedy-gut : A glutton.
Greegree : An African talisman or Gri'gri' charm.
Greek : Of or pertaining to Greece or the Greeks; Grecian. ;; A native, or one of the people, of Greece; a Grecian; also, the language of Greece. ;; A swindler; a knave; a cheat. ;; Something unintelligible; as, it was all Greek to me.
Greek calendar : Any of various calendars used by the ancient Greek states. ;; The Julian calendar, used in the Greek Church.
Greek calends : Alt. of kalends
Greekess : A female Greek.
Greekish : Peculiar to Greece.
Greekling : A little Greek, or one of small esteem or pretensions.
Green : Having the color of grass when fresh and growing; resembling that color of the solar spectrum which is between the yellow and the blue; verdant; emerald. ;; Having a sickly color; wan. ;; Full of life aud vigor; fresh and vigorous; new; recent; as, a green manhood; a green wound. ;; Not ripe; immature; not fully grown or ripened; as, green fruit, corn, vegetables, etc. ;; Not roasted; half raw. ;; Immature in age or experience; young; raw; not trained; awkward; as, green in years or judgment. ;; Not seasoned; not dry; containing its natural juices; as, green wood, timber, etc. ;; The color of growing plants; the color of the solar spectrum intermediate between the yellow and the blue. ;; A grassy plain or plat; a piece of ground covered with verdant herbage; as, the village green. ;; Fresh leaves or branches of trees or other plants; wreaths; -- usually in the plural. ;; pl. Leaves and stems of young plants, as spinach, beets, etc., which in their green state are boiled for food. ;; Any substance or pigment o
Greenback : One of the legal tender notes of the United States; -- first issued in 1862, and having the devices on the back printed with green ink, to prevent alterations and counterfeits.
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