Vocabulary : Grossular to Grotesquery

Grossular : Pertaining too, or resembling, a gooseberry; as, grossular garnet. ;; A translucent garnet of a pale green color like that of the gooseberry; -- called also grossularite.
Grossularia : Same as Grossular.
Grossulin : A vegetable jelly, resembling pectin, found in gooseberries (Ribes Grossularia) and other fruits.
Grot : A grotto. ;; Alt. of Grote
Grote : A groat.
Grotesgue : Like the figures found in ancient grottoes; grottolike; wildly or strangely formed; whimsical; extravagant; of irregular forms and proportions; fantastic; ludicrous; antic.
Grotesque : A whimsical figure, or scene, such as is found in old crypts and grottoes. ;; Artificial grotto-work.
Grotesquely : In a grotesque manner.
Grotesqueness : Quality of being grotesque.
Grotesquery : Grotesque action, speech, or manners; grotesque doings.
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