Vocabulary : Gryphite to Guaiacum

Gryphite : A shell of the genus Gryphea.
Gryphon : The griffin vulture.
Grysbok : A small South African antelope (Neotragus melanotis). It is speckled with gray and chestnut, above; the under parts are reddish fawn.
Guacharo : A nocturnal bird of South America and Trinidad (Steatornis Caripensis, or S. steatornis); -- called also oilbird.
Guacho : One of the mixed-blood (Spanish-Indian) inhabitants of the pampas of South America; a mestizo. ;; An Indian who serves as a messenger.
Guachos : of Guacho
Guaco : A plant (Aristolochia anguicida) of Carthagena, used as an antidote to serpent bites. ;; The Mikania Guaco, of Brazil, used for the same purpose.
Guaiac : Pertaining to, or resembling, guaiacum. ;; Guaiacum.
Guaiacol : A colorless liquid, C7H8O2, with a peculiar odor. It is the methyl ether of pyrocatechin, and is obtained by distilling guaiacum from wood-tar creosote, and in other ways. It has been used in treating pulmonary tuberculosis.
Guaiacum : A genus of small, crooked trees, growing in tropical America. ;; The heart wood or the resin of the Guaiacum offinale or lignum-vitae, a large tree of the West Indies and Central America. It is much used in medicine.
Next : Guan, Guana, Guanaco, Guanacos, Guanidine, Guaniferous, Guanin, Guano, Guanos, Guara
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