Vocabulary : Gunter's scale to Gurgling-ly

Gunter's scale : A scale invented by the Rev. Edmund Gunter (1581-1626), a professor of astronomy at Gresham College, London, who invented also Gunter's chain, and Gunter's quadrant.
Gunwale : The upper edge of a vessel's or boat's side; the uppermost wale of a ship (not including the bulwarks); or that piece of timber which reaches on either side from the quarter-deck to the forecastle, being the uppermost bend, which finishes the upper works of the hull.
Gurding : of Guard
Gurge : A whirlpool. ;; To swallow up.
Gurgeons : Coarse meal. ;; See Grudgeons.
Gurgle : To run or flow in a broken, irregular, noisy current, as water from a bottle, or a small stream among pebbles or stones. ;; The act of gurgling; a broken, bubbling noise. "Tinkling gurgles."
Gurgled : of Gurgle
Gurglet : A porous earthen jar for cooling water by evaporation.
Gurgling : of Gurgle
Gurgling-ly : In a gurgling manner.
Next : Gurgoyle, Gurjun, Gurl, Gurlet, Gurmy, Gurnard, Gurnet, Gurniad, Gurry, Gurt
Previous : Gunsmith, Gunsmith ing, Gunsmithery, Gunstick, Gunstock, Gunstome, Gunter rig, Gunter's chain, Gunter's line, Gunter's quadrant
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