Vocabulary : Guttifer to Gutturality

Guttifer : A plant that exudes gum or resin.
Guttiferous : Yielding gum or resinous substances. ;; Pertaining to a natural order of trees and shrubs (Guttiferae) noted for their abounding in a resinous sap.
Guttiform : Drop-shaped, as a spot of color.
Gutting : of Gut
Guttle : To put into the gut; to swallow greedily; to gorge; to gormandize. [Obs.] L'Estrange.
Guttler : A greedy eater; a glutton.
Guttulous : In droplike form.
Guttural : Of or pertaining to the throat; formed in the throat; relating to, or characteristic of, a sound formed in the throat. ;; A sound formed in the throat; esp., a sound formed by the aid of the back of the tongue, much retracted, and the soft palate; also, a letter representing such a sound.
Gutturalism : The quality of being guttural; as, the gutturalism of A [in the 16th cent.]
Gutturality : The quality of being guttural.
Next : Gutturalize, Gutturally, Gutturalness, Gutturine, Gutturize, Gutturo-, Gutty, Gutwort, Guy, Guyed
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