Vocabulary : Gymnastic to Gymnocarpous

Gymnastic : Alt. of Gymnastical ;; A gymnast.
Gymnastical : Pertaining to athletic exercises intended for health, defense, or diversion; -- said of games or exercises, as running, leaping, wrestling, throwing the discus, the javelin, etc.; also, pertaining to disciplinary exercises for the intellect; athletic; as, gymnastic exercises, contests, etc.
Gymnastically : In a gymnastic manner.
Gymnastics : Athletic or disciplinary exercises; the art of performing gymnastic exercises; also, disciplinary exercises for the intellect or character.
Gymnic : Alt. of Gymnical ;; Athletic exercise.
Gymnical : Athletic; gymnastic.
Gymnite : A hydrous silicate of magnesia.
Gymnoblastea : The Athecata; -- so called because the medusoid buds are not inclosed in a capsule.
Gymnoblastic : Of or pertaining to the Gymnoblastea.
Gymnocarpous : Naked-fruited, the fruit either smooth or not adherent to the perianth.
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