Vocabulary : Hackmen to Had

Hackmen : of Hackman
Hackney : A horse for riding or driving; a nag; a pony. ;; A horse or pony kept for hire. ;; A carriage kept for hire; a hack; a hackney coach. ;; A hired drudge; a hireling; a prostitute. ;; Let out for hire; devoted to common use; hence, much used; trite; mean; as, hackney coaches; hackney authors. ;; To devote to common or frequent use, as a horse or carriage; to wear out in common service; to make trite or commonplace; as, a hackneyed metaphor or quotation. ;; To carry in a hackney coach.
Hackneyed : of Hackney
Hackneying : of Hackney
Hackneyman : A man who lets horses and carriages for hire.
Hackneymen : of Hackneyman
Hackneys : of Hackney
Hackster : A bully; a bravo; a ruffian; an assassin.
Hacqueton : Same as Acton.
Had : See Have. ;; of Have
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