Vocabulary : Haft to Haggadoth

Haft : A handle; that part of an instrument or vessel taken into the hand, and by which it is held and used; -- said chiefly of a knife, sword, or dagger; the hilt. ;; A dwelling. ;; To set in, or furnish with, a haft; as, to haft a dagger.
Hafter : A caviler; a wrangler.
Hag : A witch, sorceress, or enchantress; also, a wizard. ;; An ugly old woman. ;; A fury; a she-monster. ;; An eel-like marine marsipobranch (Myxine glutinosa), allied to the lamprey. It has a suctorial mouth, with labial appendages, and a single pair of gill openings. It is the type of the order Hyperotpeta. Called also hagfish, borer, slime eel, sucker, and sleepmarken. ;; The hagdon or shearwater. ;; An appearance of light and fire on a horse's mane or a man's hair. ;; To harass; to weary with vexation. ;; A small wood, or part of a wood or copse, which is marked off or inclosed for felling, or which has been felled. ;; A quagmire; mossy ground where peat or turf has been cut.
Hagberry : A plant of the genus Prunus (P. Padus); the bird cherry.
Hagborn : Born of a hag or witch.
Hagbut : A harquebus, of which the but was bent down or hooked for convenience in taking aim.
Hagbutter : A soldier armed with a hagbut or arquebus.
Hagdon : One of several species of sea birds of the genus Puffinus; esp., P. major, the greater shearwarter, and P. Stricklandi, the black hagdon or sooty shearwater; -- called also hagdown, haglin, and hag. See Shearwater.
Haggada : A story, anecdote, or legend in the Talmud, to explain or illustrate the text of the Old Testament.
Haggadoth : of Haggada
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