Vocabulary : Hark to Harlotize

Hark : To listen; to hearken.
Harken : To hearken.
Harl : A filamentous substance; especially, the filaments of flax or hemp. ;; A barb, or barbs, of a fine large feather, as of a peacock or ostrich, -- used in dressing artificial flies.
Harle : The red-breasted merganser.
Harlech group : A minor subdivision at the base of the Cambrian system in Wales.
Harlequin : A buffoon, dressed in party-colored clothes, who plays tricks, often without speaking, to divert the bystanders or an audience; a merry-andrew; originally, a droll rogue of Italian comedy. ;; To play the droll; to make sport by playing ludicrous tricks. ;; Toremove or conjure away, as by a harlequin's trick.
Harlequinade : A play or part of play in which the harlequin is conspicuous; the part of a harlequin.
Harlock : Probably a corruption either of charlock or hardock.
Harlot : A churl; a common man; a person, male or female, of low birth. ;; A person given to low conduct; a rogue; a cheat; a rascal. ;; A woman who prostitutes her body for hire; a prostitute; a common woman; a strumpet. ;; Wanton; lewd; low; base. ;; To play the harlot; to practice lewdness.
Harlotize : To harlot.
Next : Harlotry, Harm, Harmaline, Harmattan, Harmed, Harmel, Harmful, Harmine, Harming, Harmless
Previous : Hare's-ear, Hare's-foot fern, Hare's-tail, Harfang, Hariali grass, Haricot, Harier, Harikari, Harioiation, Harish
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