Vocabulary : Hectograph to Hectorly

Hectograph : A contrivance for multiple copying, by means of a surface of gelatin softened with glycerin.
Hectoliter : Alt. of Hectolitre
Hectolitre : A measure of liquids, containing a hundred liters; equal to a tenth of a cubic meter, nearly 26/ gallons of wine measure, or 22.0097 imperial gallons. As a dry measure, it contains ten decaliters, or about 2/ Winchester bushels.
Hectometer : Alt. of Hectometre
Hectometre : A measure of length, equal to a hundred meters. It is equivalent to 328.09 feet.
Hector : A bully; a blustering, turbulent, insolent, fellow; one who vexes or provokes. ;; To treat with insolence; to threaten; to bully; hence, to torment by words; to tease; to taunt; to worry or irritate by bullying. ;; To play the bully; to bluster; to be turbulent or insolent.
Hectored : of Hector
Hectoring : of Hector
Hectorism : The disposition or the practice of a hector; a bullying.
Hectorly : Resembling a hector; blustering; insolent; taunting.
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