Vocabulary : Hematin to Hematocrya

Hematin : Hematoxylin. ;; A bluish black, amorphous substance containing iron and obtained from blood. It exists the red blood corpuscles united with globulin, and the form of hemoglobin or oxyhemoglobin gives to the blood its red color.
Hematinic : Any substance, such as an iron salt or organic compound containing iron, which when ingested tends to increase the hemoglobin contents of the blood.
Hematinometer : A form of hemoglobinometer.
Hematinometric : Relating to the measurement of the amount of hematin or hemoglobin contained in blood, or other fluids.
Hematinon : A red consisting of silica, borax, and soda, fused with oxide of copper and iron, and used in enamels, mosaics, etc.
Hematite : An important ore of iron, the sesquioxide, so called because of the red color of the powder. It occurs in splendent rhombohedral crystals, and in massive and earthy forms; -- the last called red ocher. Called also specular iron, oligist iron, rhombohedral iron ore, and bloodstone. See Brown hematite, under Brown.
Hematitic : Of or pertaining to hematite, or resembling it.
Hemato : See Haema-.
Hematocele : A tumor filled with blood.
Hematocrya : The cold-blooded vertebrates, that is, all but the mammals and birds; -- the antithesis to Hematotherma.
Next : Hematocrystallin, Hematoid, Hematoidin, Hematology, Hematoma, Hematophilia, Hematosin, Hematosis, Hematotherma, Hematothermal
Previous : Hemapophysis, Hemastatic, Hemastatical, Hemastatics, Hematachometer, Hematein, Hematemesis, Hematherm, Hemathermal, Hematic
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