Vocabulary : Hemi- to Hemicrania

Hemi- : A prefix signifying half.
Hemialbumin : Same as Hemialbumose.
Hemialbumose : An albuminous substance formed in gastric digestion, and by the action of boiling dilute acids on albumin. It is readily convertible into hemipeptone. Called also hemialbumin.
Hemianaesthesia : Anaesthesia upon one side of the body.
Hemibranchi : An order of fishes having an incomplete or reduced branchial apparatus. It includes the sticklebacks, the flutemouths, and Fistularia.
Hemicardia : A lateral half of the heart, either the right or left.
Hemicarp : One portion of a fruit that spontaneously divides into halves.
Hemicerebrum : A lateral half of the cerebrum.
Hemicollin : See Semiglutin.
Hemicrania : A pain that affects only one side of the head.
Next : Hemicrany, Hemicycle, Hemidactyl, Hemi-demi-semiquaver, Hemiditone, Hemigamous, Hemiglyph, Hemihedral, Hemihedrism, Hemihedron
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