Vocabulary : Hepatorenal to Heptaglot

Hepatorenal : Of or pertaining to the liver and kidneys; as, the hepatorenal ligament.
Hepatoscopy : Divination by inspecting the liver of animals.
Heppelwhite : Designating a light and elegant style developed in England under George III., chiefly by Messrs. A.Heppelwhite & Co.
Heppen : Neat; fit; comfortable.
Hepper : A young salmon; a parr.
Hepta : A combining form from Gr. "epta`, seven.
Heptachord : A system of seven sounds. ;; A lyre with seven chords. ;; A composition sung to the sound of seven chords or tones.
Heptad : An atom which has a valence of seven, and which can be theoretically combined with, substituted for, or replaced by, seven monad atoms or radicals; as, iodine is a heptad in iodic acid. Also used as an adjective.
Heptade : The sum or number of seven.
Heptaglot : A book in seven languages.
Next : Heptagon, Heptagonal, Heptagynia, Heptagynian, Heptagynous, Heptahedron, Heptamerous, Heptandria, Heptandrian, Heptandrous
Previous : Hepatize, Hepatized, Hepatizing, Hepatocele, Hepatocystic, Hepatogastric, Hepatogenic, Hepatogenous, Hepatology, Hepato-pancreas
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