Vocabulary : Herb to Herbarian

Herb : A plant whose stem does not become woody and permanent, but dies, at least down to the ground, after flowering. ;; Grass; herbage.
Herbaceous : Of or pertaining to herbs; having the nature, texture, or characteristics, of an herb; as, herbaceous plants; an herbaceous stem.
Herbage : Herbs collectively; green food beasts; grass; pasture. ;; The liberty or right of pasture in the forest or in the grounds of another man.
Herbaged : Covered with grass.
Herbal : Of or pertaining to herbs. ;; A book containing the names and descriptions of plants. ;; A collection of specimens of plants, dried and preserved; a hortus siccus; an herbarium.
Herbalism : The knowledge of herbs.
Herbalist : One skilled in the knowledge of plants; a collector of, or dealer in, herbs, especially medicinal herbs.
Herbar : An herb.
Herbaria : of Herbarium
Herbarian : A herbalist.
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