Vocabulary : Heteronym to Heterophemy

Heteronym : That which is heteronymous; a thing having a different name or designation from some other thing; -- opposed to homonym.
Heteronymous : Having different names or designations; standing in opposite relations.
Heteroousian : Having different essential qualities; of a different nature. ;; One of those Arians who held that the Son was of a different substance from the Father.
Heteroousious : See Heteroousian.
Heteropathic : Of or pertaining to the method of heteropathy; allopathic.
Heteropathy : That mode of treating diseases, by which a morbid condition is removed by inducing an opposite morbid condition to supplant it; allopathy.
Heteropelmous : Having each of the two flexor tendons of the toes bifid, the branches of one going to the first and second toes; those of the other, to the third and fourth toes. See Illust. in Append.
Heterophagi : Altrices.
Heterophemist : One liable to the fault of heterophemy.
Heterophemy : The unconscious saying, in speech or in writing, of that which one does not intend to say; -- frequently the very reverse of the thought which is present to consciousness.
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