Vocabulary : Hilling to Him

Hilling : of Hill ;; The act or process of heaping or drawing earth around plants.
Hillock : A small hill.
Hillside : The side or declivity of a hill.
Hilltop : The top of a hill.
Hilly : Abounding with hills; uneven in surface; as, a hilly country. ;; Lofty; as, hilly empire.
Hilt : A handle; especially, the handle of a sword, dagger, or the like.
Hilted : Having a hilt; -- used in composition; as, basket-hilted, cross-hilted.
Hilum : The eye of a bean or other seed; the mark or scar at the point of attachment of an ovule or seed to its base or support; -- called also hile. ;; The part of a gland, or similar organ, where the blood vessels and nerves enter; the hilus; as, the hilum of the kidney.
Hilus : Same as Hilum, 2.
Him : Them. See Hem. ;; The objective case of he. See He.
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