Vocabulary : Hippocrepian to Hippophagist

Hippocrepian : One of an order of fresh-water Bryozoa, in which the tentacles are on a lophophore, shaped like a horseshoe. See Phylactolaema.
Hippocrepiform : Shaped like a horseshoe.
Hippodame : A fabulous sea monster.
Hippodrome : A place set apart for equestrian and chariot races. ;; An arena for equestrian performances; a circus. ;; A fraudulent contest with a predetermined winner. ;; To arrange contests with predetermined winners.
Hippogriff : A fabulous winged animal, half horse and half griffin.
Hippolith : A concretion, or kind of bezoar, from the intestines of the horse.
Hippopathology : The science of veterinary medicine; the pathology of the horse.
Hippophagi : Eaters of horseflesh.
Hippophagism : Hippophagy.
Hippophagist : One who eats horseflesh.
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